A clear sense of purpose

Twice a year our church has a worldwide conference in which our leaders instruct us through five sessions of two hours each. These conferences are always enjoyable and invigorating, though a bit embarrassing as well. By the mid-point of the conference I’m always feeling excited about the things I’ve been hearing and ready to turn over a new leaf and become a better person. But invariably I come to realize that much of what they’ve been telling us they also told us last conference. Somewhere during the previous six months I let everything slide in spite of my good intentions.

I’ve decided, however, that it’s okay. It’s probably expected that at least some sliding will take place, else why would they schedule the conferences every six months? We are human, and chances are we only really adopt and implement one personal improvement per conference. The rest we need to be reminded of again and again to make sure we get back to working on it again.

I think what I enjoy most about these conferences is how clear my priorities become by the end. I realize that only a few things really matter–work on those and the rest will take care of itself. Whether I like being reminded that I’ve slipped or not, I need that regular realignment. I need to discard much of the dross of life and refocus myself with a clear sense of purpose.

Whatever our priorities and purpose in life may be, it can be quite fulfilling, uplifting, and energizing to step back every once and awhile and refocus ourselves. Mental “junk” accumulates, and requires regular spring cleaning to keep from getting weighed down with distractions. We need to remind ourselves of who we are and what matters most to us.

Who are you, and what should you be doing first and foremost with your life? What’s getting in your way? Refocus yourself. Rediscover your purpose.